socioeducational projects

Learning, discovering & raising awareness

We support the idea of learning through actions and taking responsibilities.

On board Knut, each one is an actor and own his place on the boat. All together, we bring the boat in motion. Hoisting the mainsail, steering, drooping anchor. New handy learnings who leads to a different way of valorization of each one.

Another important point is about living together and learning the community life in a small space. We will need to do some grocery shopping, to cook, to tidy on board. Simple daily things at first, but essential to support a smooth trip for the boat and the crew.

The total immersion we get with the boat, offers a first row to the sea. To be confronted day after day to the rhythm of nature, to the marine wildlife, brings new discovers every day but also helps to realize the different existing links between the sea & Humans.

Trough this immersion come up naturally discussions, questions. And with the help of the crew on board Knut, these can leads to raise awareness about the fragile balance Nature / Human and about the place of Human in this complex world.

Educational impulse : to set sail for a better return

Get out of everyday life, leaving full sails out into the unknown. This impulsion forward is our initial step for our socio-educational work. Leaving allows to breath, as much for the ones leaving as for the ones staying. Breathing to take a step back. Geographically but also emotionally. The promiscuity of the boat offers not much possibility of avoidance. This brings us to talk, to pass time which can be quiet long on a big crossing. But also because, the presence of new adults offers a place without preconceptions, without judgments. Having the possibility of opening his heart in a secure environment.

Another perceptive is also to discovery. Discovery of a new land, a new region. But also discovery of the other, as much as on the boat than on land. Meeting the other half way to bring better understandings. And through this discovery, overcoming preconceptions and accepting the other like he is and at the same time, to accept oneself also !

It is also possible, if desired, to work previously on a project, or to set up a plan for the return. Sonia is available before the expedition but also after for a medium or long term follow up.